Nedjelja, 13 listopada, 2024

Freddie Mercury: Bezvremenski stihovi koji mogu poslužiti kao vodič za život

Jedan od najvećih vokala u glazbenoj povijesti, preminuo je na današnji dan, 24. studenog, 1991. godine, a iza sebe je ostavio niz bezvremenskih stihova po kojima bismo svi mogli i trebali živjeti

Ime Freddie Mercury sinonim je za jednu-od-najvećih-rock-legendi-ikad. Rođen 5. rujna 1946. godine Farrokh Bulsara odlučio je postati zvijezda, promijenio je ime u Freddie Mercury i zaista – nova zvijezda je rođena!

Freddie Mercury bio je od 1970. godine član grupe Queen, zajedno s gitaristom Brianom Mayjem, bubnjarem Rogerom Taylorom i basistom Johnom Deaconom. S glasom nevjerojatnog opsega od čak četiri oktave, bio je jedan od najboljih vokala na tadašnjoj glazbenoj sceni te se i danas smatra jednim od najvećih vokala u glazbenoj povijesti.

Freddie je imao puno mačaka! Filmske (ne)istine o životu Freddieja Mercuryja

Bio je sposoban izvući ono najbolje iz publike i zabaviti cijeli svijet no, iako je više od 20 godina bio u središtu zanimanja javnosti i prodao gotovo 200 milijuna nosača zvuka, Freddie Mercury bio je vrlo povučena osoba. Izbjegavao je intervjue, budući da je bio iznimno stidljiv, te se osjećao vrlo nelagodno u društvu nepoznatih osoba. Preminuo je 24. studenog 1991. godine, a iza sebe je ostavio niz bezvremenskih stihova po kojima bismo svi mogli i trebali živjeti.

“I’m a shooting star leaping through the sky, like a tiger defying the laws of gravity.”
Don’t Stop Me Now


“We are the champions, my friends. And we’ll keep on fighting till the end.”
We Are the Champions


“I’ll face it with a grin, I’m never giving in.”
The Show Must Go On


“I gotta be cool, relax, get hip, and get on my tracks.”
Crazy Little Thing Called Love


“While there’s a wind and the stars and the rainbow, till the mountains crumble into the plain, oh yes, we’ll keep on trying.”


“Spread your wings and fly away, fly away, far away.”
Spread Your Wings


“So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye, so you think you can love me and leave me to die? Oh, baby, can’t do this to me, baby.”
Bohemian Rhapsody


“You can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think you could ever be”


“Take heart, my friend, we love you though it seems you’re alone, a million lights above you smile down upon your home.”
Long Away


“But I’m ready, yes, I’m ready for you. I’m standing on my own two feet.”
Another One Bites the Dust


“Well they say your folks are telling you to be a super star, but I tell you just be satisfied.” Keep Yourself Alive


“Take care of those you call your own and keep good company.”
Good Company


“I take a step outside and I breathe the air and I slam the door and I’m on my way.”
Leaving Home Ain’t Easy


“Laughter ringing in the darkness, people drinking for days gone by. Time don’t mean a thing when you’re by my side.”
You and I

“I’m OK, I’m alright, I ain’t gonna face no defeat. I just gotta get out of this prison cell, someday I’m gonna be free.”
Somebody to Love


“When you’re through with life and all hope is lost, hold out your hand ‘cos friends will be friends right ’til the end.”
Friends Will Be Friends

10 manje poznatih bendova slavnih rock glazbenika

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